Lirik Lagu Lancang Kuning Versi Bahasa Inggris

Lirik Lagu Lancang Kuning Versi Bahasa Inggris

sassy yellow

Sassy yellow sail night

Hey..! sailing night

sassy yellow

Sassy yellow sail night

Hey..! sailing night

The bow towards, bow toward the sea off

The bow towards, bow toward the sea off

Sassy yellow sail night

Sassy yellow sail night

if the skipper

If the skipper kuranglah understand

Hey..! kuranglah understand

if the skipper

if the captain understood kuranglah

Hey..! kuranglah understand


Alamatlah ship, the ship will sink alamatlah

Alamatlah ship, the ship will sink alamatlah

Sassy yellow sail night

Sassy yellow sail night

Sassy yellow sail night

Sassy yellow sail night

Sassy yellow sail night

Sassy yellow sail night